Friday, September 5, 2008

Faith of a Child...

I know I just shared several cute stories about Gracie & her friends, but I just couldn't not post this one:

We were riding home from dance last night and we were passing a field full of cows. The dialogue went like this:

Gracie "Mommy, I see cows! I saw them first! Mommy did God make cows?"
Me "Yes, Gracie, God made cows."
Gracie "Did God make everything?"
Me "Yes, God made pretty much everything."
Gracie "Why did God make mosquitoes?" (Good Question!)
Me "I'm not sure, but I know he had a reason."
Gracie "I'm going to pray to God."
Me "OK."
Gracie whispers, "God, why did you make mosquitoes, because they bite me." PAUSE "Ok, I'm going to trust you." PAUSE "Mommy, God spote (spoke)!"

Later on that night, we read a story about all of the great things about Easter. It is from a little girl's perspective and it mentions dyeing and hiding easter eggs, springtime, baby animals, and getting dressed up for church. But it says the best thing about Easter is Jesus. It talks about him dying on the cross and ascending into heaven. There is a picture of Jesus in the clouds. Gracie asks me where God is. I told her God was in heaven with Jesus. She sticks out her bottom lip in a pout and says "But I can't see God in OUR clouds!" I reassure her that, just because she can't see him doesn't mean he isn't there and that he is looking down on her and protecting her.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

We as parents have the most awesome job in the world!


Beth said...

I love it Christy!!! Yes we do have the most awesome job in the world! I love the minds and imaginations God gave children! They amaze me!

Shonna said...

Keep sharing...I love reading to see what Gracie is going to say next!!! One (of the many) highlights of my day is when I put Caroline to bed...we read her Bible story, say night night prayers, and then sing Jesus Loves Me. Even though she can't sing all the words yet or say the "perfect" prayer, she is just so sincere with all of it:)

JMBMOMMY said...

Oh, to trust like a child.....

Julie said...

What a sweet story!! Children do amaze me with the things they say and their imagination!! We would ask John Parker when he was one where Jesus was, and he would raise his hand towards the sky! It would cause me to pratically tear up each time. So touching!!
One another note, how is Michelle doing? I haven't heard anything lately and was just concerned.

The Clarks said...

Such cute stories! I definitely do not record enough of Ty's little sayings. I'm going to wish one day I'd taken the time to write everything down. Little children are completely honest about everything and just have a way with their words. They're little words are precious!

Anonymous said...

This blog is truly a day brightener!! It's amazing what goes through their little minds (and eventually comes out of their mouths)...! Their innocence is the sweetest thing ever to me.

It's been so long since I've talked to you guys! Hope you are all doing well!!! my blog site is email is Keep in touch!!!!