Friday, August 8, 2008

We're Late!

For about the last year, Gracie has been at the age that a lot of things that come out of her mouth are just so funny! It is amazing and comical to see her figure out how the world works. This is the latest story:

Background: We have a smoke alarm in just about every room in the house. For probably close to a year now, various ones have been acting up, beeping at us at random times. We thought this meant that the batteries were running low, so we have replaced them. That seems to work for a short period, but not too long. One actually started alarming at various times (mostly in the middle of the night!!) so Matt ended up just taking it down. For several months now, the one in the living room has started beeping in the middle of the night and just over the last day or two, the one in our bedroom has started beeping! (We obviously have issues, I know!)

So anyway, I was changing Katherine's diaper before we were leaving to go to daycare and one of the smoke alarms beeped. Gracie said "Mama, do you hear that? That means we are running late! When that thing beeps, it means we are running late! We have to hurry!"

I'm pretty certain she got the beeping from our alarm clocks, because we are avid snoozers. And I am always telling her we are late to get her moving faster (or because we really ARE running late:)). I guess she just put the two together. I LOVE this age!


Shonna said...

And to think, I already think that everything C says is just oh so cute...I can only imagine her in another year or two. I love how their minds are still so innocent:)

Shonna said...

I just noticed the title to today's post...if I had not already read about Gracie, I would have thought Burgess #3 was on the way:) Love y'all!

Christy said...

Oh no! I didn't even think about the title meaning that! :) I'm all aboard for another one, but not right now. Matt still needs some convincing:)

Michelle said...

That's so funny!! It is amazing how much they start figuring out so early and just how smart they actually are!! The new pictures of both of them are so cute, I love them!!

Christi said...

LOL! I love the pictures of the girls. They are cuties!

Beth said...

That is precious! I wish I knew what they were thinking all the time! And I love the pictures too!!

Julie said...

What precious pictures of the girls!! Like Shonna, I also thought that "We're Late" meant the girls would have sister or brother on the way!! :)